Intel Capital has provided funding for in-game social communication service Xfire, enabling it to split from Titan Gaming.
Month: October 2011
D2 follows up interest in Affle
D2, part of NTT Docomo, has made a second investment in the Microsoft and Itochu-backed mobile media company Affle.
Profile: Chevron Technology Venture Investments
A long-term strategy that is paying dividends for the US oil major’s corporate venturing unit.
Case study: Solyndra
Factors in the demise of a promising start-up heavily backed by venture capital firms and US government loans.
Silver Lake, DST Global join Alibaba targeting Yahoo!
Microsoft is also reportedly eyeing a bid for the search engine.
AMS, Mitsui help NxThera net $21m
Medical device company NxThera has raised a second round of series B funding from a combination of corporates and venture capital investors.
Feature: natural resources and clean-tech
The battle to keep it clean means corporate venturing groups from a diverse range of businesses are converging on clean-tech – and finding a receptive audience for their investments.
Tewari joins SAP Ventures
SAP Ventures has appointed Gaurav Tewari, formerly of Highland Capital Partners and various computing multinationals, as a director.
TrueCar speeds along with ALG
US-based real-time automotive marketplace TrueCar completed its acquisition of US-based automotive data consultancy ALG on Tuesday, paying an undisclosed amount to ALG’s former parent company, the automotive retail-based software company DealerTrack Holdings. TrueCar last month raised $200m in debt and equity financing, DealerTrack was among the equity investors, though it did not disclose how much… Continue reading TrueCar speeds along with ALG
Why clean-tech start-ups need to partner big companies
How to strike deep partnerships in which well-established corporations put skin in the game via research dollars, joint development agreements, channel partnerships for customer acquisition or even equity investments.
Innovative regions: Philippines
The Philippines is a country with "a vast opportunity for improvement" in its economic competitiveness but one that its country’s entrepreneurs are pursuing. Switzerland-based non-profit organisation World Economic Forum, in its Global Competitiveness Report 2011-2012, found the Philippines posted one of the largest improvements in its rankings, up 10 places to 75th. The rise was… Continue reading Innovative regions: Philippines
Financial aims and metrics
Measuring investment effectiveness: first of two articles on how to track and measure a corporate venturing unit’s success.
IPO window swings shut
Global Corporate Venturing has researched the status of most of the corporate venturing-backed companies that have filed or been reported as eyeing an imminent flotation.
Google Ventures hires Klau to head university
The hiring of the former Google executive who ran Barack Obama’s senatorial campaign blog in 2004 beefs up Google Ventures’ entrepreneurial university.