AAA December 2012 – Page 9

The Global Innovation 1000: Making ideas work

Every economic downturn comes with the same refrain: The world, we’re told, is losing its creative capacity, hurting our chances for a speedy recovery. Yet inevitably, when worries about innovation erosion surface, some company rises up with a great new product, technology, or service to prove the naysayers wrong. And all too often, observers simply… Continue reading The Global Innovation 1000: Making ideas work

Alternative investments: 2012 review

Another year nearly over and what a rich and fascinating year. New scandals further tainted the reputation and somewhat endangered the very existence of financial services as we know them, while elections in a noticeable number of significant economic players, such as the US and China, have forced some to reflecton the emergence of a… Continue reading Alternative investments: 2012 review

Phoenix raises $300m

Phoenix Media Fund, which is partly run by co-general partner, Hong Kong-listed broadcaster Phoenix TV, reportedly raises a $300m maiden fund for investments into Chinese media companies.

Google plays with Apptentive

US-based search engine Google’s corporate venturing unit has reportedly helped app developer Apptentive raise $1.2m. Google Ventures was joined backing Apptentive by venture firms Founder’s Co-OP, Social Leverage, Golden Venture Partners and angel investors, according to news provider TechCrunch. The angels investing were Mike McSherry of Swype, Dan Shapiro of Sparkbuy, Geoff Entress, a director… Continue reading Google plays with Apptentive