AAA Huddle stretches arms to Europe

Huddle stretches arms to Europe

The US-based Corporate Innovators Huddle (CIH) will expand into Europe to act as a bridge between for execu- tives wanting to tap into the ecosystem of Silicon Valley, California. Michael Rose told the symposium he was to be an adviser to the CIH based in London, UK.

Rob Trice, a venture partner at Swiscom Ventures, the cor- porate venturing unit of the Switzerland-based phone opera- tor, moderated a roundtable at which he said the CIH was started “by corporate innovators for corporate innovators” for its members to share information and best practices on the various aspects of innovating at corporations.

Membership of the California-based non-profit organisa- tion is limited to current practioners of corporate innovation at large companies regardless of geography or industry.

The CIH currently has three active working groups:

The Corporate Venture Forum (CVF) was established in 2011 to provide corporate venturers a forum in which to dis- cuss trends and best practices.

The Innovators Executive Forum is a monthly meeting at which external speakers and CIH members stimulate discus- sion on topics of corporate innovation.

The Research & Innovation Corporate Ecosystem is a quarterly session for research and development executives and corporate innovators who seek to build and benefit from external research and innovation partnerships, networks and ecosystems regionally and globally.

The CVF has meeting about once per quarter, while the other two meet every other month or so. Trice said the next full meeting of the CIH would be on August 28 in California, while the Europe group would host an event in the autumn. 

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