The top 25: Amy Banse, managing director and head of funds, Comcast Ventures
Author: Edison Fu
Edison Fu is a reporter and Asia liaison at Global Corporate Venturing.
GCV Powerlist 2020: #4 Larry Illg
The top 25: Larry Illg, CEO of food and ventures, Prosus Ventures (formerly Naspers Ventures)
GCV Powerlist 2020: #5 Francis Ho and Shankar Chandran
The top 25: Francis Ho and Shankar Chandran, managing directors, Samsung Catalyst Fund
GCV Powerlist 2020: #6 David Krane
The top 25: David Krane, CEO and managing partner, GV
GCV Powerlist 2020: #7 Wendell Brooks and Anthony Lin
The top 25: Wendell Brooks, president, and Anthony Lin, managing director of greater Asia, Intel Capital
GCV Powerlist 2020: #8 Barbara Dalton
The top 25: Barbara Dalton, senior managing partner, Pfizer Ventures
GCV Powerlist 2020: #9 Anja König
The top 25: Anja König, global head, Novartis Venture Fund
GCV Powerlist 2020: #10 Rajeev Misra and Marcelo Claure
The top 25: Rajeev Misra and Marcelo Claure, Softbank
GCV Powerlist 2020: #11 Gen Tsuchikawa
The top 25: Gen Tsuchikawa, CEO and CIO, Sony Innovation Fund and Innovation Growth Ventures
GCV Powerlist 2020: #12 Nagraj Kashyap
The top 25: Nagraj Kashyap, head, M12 (formerly Microsoft Ventures)
GCV Powerlist 2020: #13 Quinn Li
The top 25: Quinn Li, global head, Qualcomm Ventures
GCV Powerlist 2020: #14 Geert van de Wouw
The top 25: Geert van de Wouw, managing director, Shell Ventures
GCV Powerlist 2020: #15 Lisa Lambert
The top 25: Lisa Lambert, founder and president, National Grid Partners
GCV Powerlist 2020: #16 John Somorjai
The top 25: John Somorjai, executive vice-president of corporate development, Salesforce Ventures