AAA Emma Brown

Comment: Shopping for talent in the global marketplace

It seems growth is now firmly back on the agenda. Recent figures from Zurich’s SME Risk Index have shown that 41% of UK small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) experienced growth in the last quarter of 2013 and business confidence continues to rise.So where is this growth coming from? A recent Intramezzo poll has revealed that… Continue reading Comment: Shopping for talent in the global marketplace

Down To Experience

Cloud computing.  Social media.  Smartphone apps.  By now, these will all be recognisable terms.  Part of the fabric of every day life.  Yet go back 15 years – perhaps even just half that time – and, for the majority of people, such phrases would mean very little.  Probably nothing at all. In a relatively short… Continue reading Down To Experience

The corporate adventurer

The entrepreneur and the corporate executive. It is often thought they inhabit two opposing ends of the professional spectrum – the visionary and the executor, risk-taker and deal-maker. True, they bring contrasting skillsets to the boardroom, but what of their values and motivations? Are they polarised? Indeed, is it naive even to think of these… Continue reading The corporate adventurer