AAA Marianne Abib-Pech

Je suis Charlie – je suis la France

This was a gloomy January. Farewell Christmas spirit, peace and understanding, it all stopped on January 7 with the attack on the offices of satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris. The world is puzzled by the violence, and I am no different – no time, or indeed appetite, for a light and joyful column about investment… Continue reading Je suis Charlie – je suis la France

African leadership – in search of the next model

Last month, my eyes were on the east. My encounter with insider Chris Ruffle was a real eye-opener on the complexity of doing business with the mysterious country that is China. After investigating China comes Africa. Africa is a mammoth with two faces, and the third Africa Pensions and Sovereign Funds Investment Forum in London in September… Continue reading African leadership – in search of the next model