AAA Balance and diversity on show with the rising stars

Balance and diversity on show with the rising stars

The Global Corporate Venturing Rising Stars Awards profiles the industry’s top 50 people who have entered the industry in about the past five years with aplomb and notable success.

As the industry grows it becomes potentially easier to attract quality talent, and it is striking how impressive the nominations and industry are. Even in an industry that rewards striking deals and success with rapid promotion and responsibilities, the current winners stand out for their achievements in a notably hard year given the impact of the covid-19 disease caused by the coronavirus.

In just a few years many of the GCV Rising Stars, led by number one, Malin Carlstrom, have been recognised by their unit heads, and corporate parents, for their accomplishments.

As with last year, that about a third of the Rising Stars are female and a majority by other diversity metrics says a lot about the industry’s future as a more inclusive and representative profession.

Corporate venturing covers the world and all industries and has been recognised for the value it brings to the entrepreneurs and investors. It is exciting to see the future they will bring to life and how, in turn, they will give back to future generations as mentors and leaders themselves.

A look through all 50 Rising Stars this year, and those who just missed the cut, finds stories and ambitions similar to those of Malin and the others. All these stars are role models for the next generation.

About the Rising Stars selection process

The process involved researching more than 20,000 industry professionals across more than 2,000 corporate venturing units. GCV was looking for those below the top rank of the venturing hierarchy with broadly less than five years’ experience in the industry based on their deals, career development so far, being an heir apparent or being the glue in the unit.

For both sets of stars, as well as the longer list of potential candidates and nominations received and examined, the input of their managers was important as nominators and for their feedback on why they, as a Rising Star, are so good.

About Global Corporate Venturing

My thanks to Liwen-Edison Fu for his work on this year’s research and supplement writing, Mark Baker for production and Raksha Santilal for design and Christina Riboldi and her team at CRA for the awards ceremony, sponsored by Samsung, and to all the team at GCV for helping to make this happen.

If there is anything other help we can give through our GCV Leadership Society, our GCV Connect powered by Proseeder deals tool, our GCV Analytics platform that offers insights as a service by unlocking our proprietary data, the GCV Academy and Institute for specialist training at sites around the world and online, or our magazine and news service, let us know.

The GCV Rising Stars Awards 2021: Contents

The GCV Rising Stars Awards 2021 PDF download

By James Mawson

James Mawson is founder and chief executive of Global Venturing.

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