While entrepreneurs and investors are well versed in the Lean Startup model for developing tech companies, the relevance of this approach to business building diminishes in the realm of deep tech. The reasons for this are varied and formidable.
Category: Comment
The secret to becoming a CVC
As a corporate venture capitalist in energy, I am not sure if this is a destination, a path on the journey, a fun respite and (or) a little of all of the above.
Why corporate venturing is more like hedging
Corporate venture arms with strategic mandates should stop trying to be like institutional venture firms
A dozen predictions for the coming decade
It is fashionable for pundits to make predictions for the coming year; as a venture investor, I feel pressure to look further out.
Flexibility will capture the new decade’s opportunities
January 2020 issue editorial by James Mawson, editor in chief
Editorial: Flexibility will capture new dawn’s opportunities
Ahead of the Chinese New Year on the 25th and after the western calendar turned is an opportunity for reflection. There is a thoughtful post by Morgan Housel at Collaborative Fund on the most important forces shaping the world. As he said: “The ultimate of those great-grandmother events was World War II…. The [other] three… Continue reading Editorial: Flexibility will capture new dawn’s opportunities
Corporate Venturing in 2019: The roundup
SoftBank and WeWork cast the biggest shadow, but the year saw a raft of huge corporate-backed IPOs while fintech and Latin America each had a big 12 months.
Decade ends on a high
The final month of any year is often a poignant one; more so when it closes a decade.
Levelling the playing field
Why do demographic ratios change and some stay the same?
Roaring into the 2020s
It is easy enough to think of artificial intelligence and quantum technologies as modern concepts, as futuristic as they sound and as far-reaching their impact has the potential to be.
How Taiwan is making its next wave of entrepreneurs
While Silicon Valley may dominate the headlines, there are many other technology hubs, specifically in the Asia-Pacific market, making significant strides when it comes to building up their startup ecosystems.
Redefining Japanese innovation
Japanese innovation has long been synonymous with craftsmanship and design excellence, from the Sony Walkman and Nintendo game consoles to hybrid cars, futuristic toilets and high-speed rail.
Initial Recommendations for Improving DEI within CVC Deal Flow Pipelines and Portfolios
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) report October 2019
Incubating healthcare startups in Brazil
Eretz.Bio is an initiative of the Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Albert Einstein (Israeli Beneficent Society Albert Einstein) that works as an incubator of startups focused on innovation in
the health sector.