AAA Collaaj finds AppSense angel

Collaaj finds AppSense angel

AppSense, a US-based provider of user virtualization software for enterprise and government customers backed by at least $70m from investment bank Goldman Sachs, has an undisclosed amount in peer Collaaj.

AppSense Labs, the research arm of the AppSense global research and development team, made the so-called corporate angel investment in Collaaj. Kieran Kamity, founder and chief executive (CEO) of Collaaj, which helps enterprise users to capture, share and collaborate with rich data, such as voice, video and screen recordings, is joining AppSense Labs as an entrepreneur-in-residence as part of the deal.

Darron Antill, CEO of AppSense, said: "Investing in the development cycle of Collaaj further provides another possibility for embracing all forms of data that users are creating and sharing in the mobile enterprise. AppSense is also fortunate to have the privilege of expanding entrepreneurship within the company with Kiran on board to share insights and ideas".

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