AAA Gojek and Digitaraya hit accelerator

Gojek and Digitaraya hit accelerator

On-demand ride provider Gojek has teamed up with accelerator operator Digitaraya for an Indonesia-based initiative intended to jump start the growth trajectory of 20 local businesses, Gatra has reported.

Gojek Xcelerate is a six-month scheme that will prioritise businesses with the potential to have a beneficial effect on the Indonesian economy.

The accelerator is working with partners including internet technology provider Google’s Developers Launchpad, financial services firm UBS and consulting firm McKinsey & Company to draw up outlines for the process according to e27, which reported that it plans to select 20 participants.

Gojek is currently raising up to $3bn in an ongoing series F round that includes Google as well as internet group Tencent, e-commerce firm, conglomerates Astra International and Mitsubishi, banking firm Siam Commercial Bank and payment services firm Visa.

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