Trapit, a US-based artificial intelligence company formerly known as Chatter Trap, has raised $6.2m in its series A round from a consortium including Horizons Ventures, the investment vehicle of Hong Kong-based property mogul Li Ka-shing.
Trapit’s regulatory filing said the company had raised $5.8m from 24 investors last month and about $4m in 2010.
Trapit searches websites to find relevant content for each people and so create personalized topic-specific "traps".
The company said it was born out of a $200m artificial intelligence project completed by US state agency Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) and US company SRI International known as CALO (Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes) to address the problem of too much data, not enough time.
The CALO project also spawned Siri voice recognition company used by computer company Apple. Li has also invested in Siri’s B round.