OTTLIV, the technology transfer arm of Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris will hold its ninth APinnov annual conference on July 2, 2012 at the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Paris.
In 2011, OTTLIV generated €22.4m in revenues – a rise of 32 per cent on 2010. It submitted 50 patent portfolios in fields including biotechnology, diagnostics, biomaterials, medical devices, medicines, genetics and cell and gene therapies.
AP-HP brings together 37 Paris hospitals, including university and teaching establishments.
Florence Ghrenassia, director of OTTLIV, said: “This ninth edition of APinnov really demonstrates the hospital innovation potential of AP-HP – and especially how it can be developed into viable and sustainable business projects,” said “AP-HP was one of the first to lead the way in transferring technology from university hospitals. OTTLIV and its APinnov conference are the catalyst for innovative projects and support for technology transfer.”
Mireille Faugere, managing director of AP-HP. said: “AP-HP is in the top 50 French organisations applying for international patents for the second year running. Making the most of the innovations developed by our teams and assisting with the implementation of their projects remain major challenges for AP-HP. In this regard, we signed a three-year cooperation convention earlier this year with CDC Entreprises in order to facilitate access to finance for companies spun out of AP-HP.”