AAA Cellular Dynamics breeds success

Cellular Dynamics breeds success

Cellular Dynamics International (CDI), a US maker of human cells, has raised $30m in its B round to take its total funding since 2004 to $100m.

Tactics II Stem Cell Ventures, a venture capital firm set up by Robert and Thomas Palay after they sold NimbleGen Systems to Switzerland-based drugs company Roche in August 2007 for $272.5m, led the round. Other investors in this financing round include property developer Sam Zell’s Equity Group Investments, Sixth Floor Investors and G Force Investments.

In April last year, CDI raised $40.6m to take its then total raised to $70m.

CDI’s iCell Cardiomyocytes process can produce large quantities of human tissue cells based on stem cells grown from adult tissue developed by founder James Thomson.

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