AAA Kapeskas to replace Koenning at UPS

Kapeskas to replace Koenning at UPS

UPS, a US-based parcel delivery and logistics company, is changing the management of its corporate venturing fund.

Rimas Kapeskas, marketing director at UPS product research and development, will replace Alan Koenning (pictured), fund manager of 
UPS Strategic Enterprise Fund for the past nearly eight years.

Koenning said he was "heading back into [the UPS] marketing organization". He previously worked in marketing for six years in the early 1990s. 

Started in 1997, the fund is the private equity strategic investment arm of UPS, which focuses on developing critical partnerships and acquiring knowledge returns from its investments in information technology companies and emerging market-spaces.

The company has invested in at least nine companies, including SensorLogic, a US-based software company for delivering information across machines, in December.

In September Erik Sebusch joined venture capital firm CMEA Capital after more than 15 years managing commitments to private equity, venture capital and real estate funds for UPS’s pension fund, UPS Investments, and the UPS Strategic Enterprise Fund.

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