AAA KDDI, Globis hacks a deal with Nanapi

KDDI, Globis hacks a deal with Nanapi

KDDI Open Innovation Fund, which is jointly managed by Japan’s second largest telecommunications company KDDI and venture capital firm Global Brain, has invested 270m yen ($2.7m) in Japan-based ‘lifehack’ web site Nanapi. Existing investor, Globis Capital Partners, has also taken part in the latest round, which follows a previous round worth 330m yen ($3.4m) led by Globis.

The basis of the information sharing site is for users to exchange practical daily tips, such as how to better cut vegetables, or how to wash your neckties in the washing machine, for example, according to a report by online venture site, startup-dating.

The latest round of funding will be used to accelerate its plans to develop its site’s technology and usability for smartphone users. 

In 2012, the company formed a partnership with Yahoo Japan, which helped its site’s traffic, accounting up to 20% of its 60 million monthly page views.

The start-up was founded back in 2007 by former Recruit staffer Kensuke Furukawa and former Rakuten engineer Shuichi Wada. Founded in 2009, the site has acquired more than 12 million users to date, said startup-dating.

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