AAA PwC to launch accelerator programme in Russia

PwC to launch accelerator programme in Russia

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), a UK-based consulting and accountancy firm, is planning to launch an accelerator programme in Russia this autumn, replicating the model it introduced in Luxembourg in September 2011. The initiative aims to help Russian start-up companies to achieve global growth, and includes the entrepreneurs spending time in Silicon Valley, California.

Three European companies have passed through the Luxembourg accelerator. At the 42 Conference and Startup Exhibition in Moscow, Alexandre Rhea, chief executive of PwC’s Accelerator, said: "The programme is designed to enable European start-up companies to leverage PwC’s unparalleled network of contacts and expertise to help them go global, quickly. I’m looking forward to working with my colleagues in Russia to replicate the model there."

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