AAA Samsung partners with Carbon Design

Samsung partners with Carbon Design

The corporate venturing unit of South Korea-based conglomerate Samsung has invested $4m in Carbon Design Systems, a company which builds virtual prototypes. The companies have also entered into a strategic partnership. 

 Carbon Design Systems develop system-on-chip (SoC) designs. The ten year-old company target applications range from model generation and deployment to virtual platform creation, execution and analysis.

Jung Ho Kim, an investment manager at Samsung Venture Investment Corporation commented, “Carbon’s technology helps Samsung’s development of leading-edge consumer devices, “The strategic partnership will offer Samsung a way to more broadly expand and fast track adoption of ESL tools.”

Of the deal, Rick Lucier, Carbon’s president and chief executive officer said: “We work closely with various project groups at Samsung. Its deep technical design will be beneficial to us as we market key technologies to expand the reach of fast virtual prototypes that do not compromise accuracy.”

Samsung venture’s potential investment subjects range from start-ups to established companies that are about to be listed in the stock market.

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