The GCV Advanced Materials Society is delighted to see some fascinating startups join the agenda for the November 10th inaugural conference in London. The conference sessions on ‘Giants of Tomorrow’ sponsored by Innovate UK will be introduced and moderated by Richard Riggs of Saudi Aramco Energy Ventures.
Australia’s Clean TeQ Holdings Limited will set out its plans to mine the world’s largest known reserve of scandium, a crucial material for adding strength and lightness to cars, planes and robots. The new ‘Scalmalloy’ alloy developed by Airbus, which will also speak at the conference, includes scandium. Achieving lightness without compromising on strength is fundamental to Williams F1 Advanced Engineering, whose Chief Technology Specialist, Iain Bomphray, will lead a panel on ‘light-weighting’ in the automotive sector.
Danish start-up Siox will present its patented glass-on-metal thin-film coatings technology that can reduce or eliminate the corrosion of steel. Corrosion is a major issue for heavy industries such as oil and gas, whose corporate VCs will be represented at the conference.
REDT /Camco is a British business quoted on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange that will set out its flow battery energy storage solution. REDT can make intermittent power such as solar and wind ‘dispatchable’ (i.e. power that can be switched on by the flick of a switch).
The growing list of speakers is available at